Our Services

What we Do Best

Practical, sustainable and meaningful implementation of the latest optimal technologies combined with familiar continuous improvement approaches

Our Specialty

Bringing comfort to those swimming in the digital morass

Guiding your business transformation from its first steps to becoming industry experts


Become an expert through one of our many trainings or bring us in to do a custom training for your team! We offer trainings across all our specialties.

We also provide one-on-one coaching and mentoring for personalized development across all levels of your organization.

on-site business assessments

Know where your business stands

We help clients hone technological roadmap and identify their best first steps by accepting technology as a means, not an end, to problem solving. ROI stays front and center as we Investigate complex issues, identify information sources and evaluate data reliability.



deployment projects

Large or small, our team delivers optimal results in:

Digital Transformation
Product and Portfolio Management
Market Analysis, Positioning, and Business Development
Organizational Transformation and Change Management


Curious but not ready to dive in to the choppy waters of a project or training?  Let’s chat about it. Never boring, always engaging MLD offers energetic presenters for your next luncheon, training, team event, conference, exposition or annual meeting on a wide variety of topics.


Try Our Proven Approach


This phase familiarizes our team with your operations – its business processes, systems and key people so we can identify areas of pressing business concerns and provide hypotheses of the root causes underlying these issues


operational optimization

This phase involves a deeper dive into improving your processes, building the right new ones and ensuring your systems and people match the business needs to build a detailed roadmap for your organization



data architecting

Often concurrent with operational optimization, we seek to begin building the data pyramid so your processes, people and tools create a data landscape where we can architect a future that enables your data to create meaningful and lasting value



Our team works closely with key people in your firm to help carry out the actions laid out in the implementation plan. Our collaborative  approach ensures sustainable implementations that positively impact your organization, not only during project execution, but long after its conclusion

Get In Touch

+1 404 333 8728